Another thing that would’ve helped with the difficulty curve is knowing what you’re buying at the shop. The controls in the game remain tight and responsive throughout and this does help you quite considerably. Thankfully though despite the game’s high difficulty you have very good controls to help you out. I must admit that the difficulty did cause me a few problems along the way, but it still didn’t stop me from returning to the game time and time again. Despite it being challenging and rewarding at the same time I can see the difficulty being a problem for some. In fact the gameplay on the whole doesn’t end up getting boring but you will have to deal with a very high difficulty curve throughout your time with the game.
The spells you can use in the game are fantastic and are packed full of variety, and by them doing this it means getting in combat with the fantastic enemies never seems to get boring. Another thing that makes this game unique is that it has an abundance of variety in all areas. The story that’s present in the game is actually pretty decent and the best thing is that it has a lot of interesting lore. If you’re a fan of these particular games you’ll know that not many of them have much in terms of a story but Wizard of Legend is different. One of the main reason why it feels so unique is down to its story. Thankfully the new release Wizard of Legend provided me with a lot of enjoyment and in some ways it feels unique compared to some of the other game’s in the genre.

No matter how many roguelike games I’ve played over the year’s I still get excited when a new game comes out into the mix and most of the time No matter how many roguelike games I’ve played over the year’s I still get excited when a new game comes out into the mix and most of the time they provide me with hours upon hours of enjoyment.