Arkham sanitarium ephemeral rift
Arkham sanitarium ephemeral rift

arkham sanitarium ephemeral rift

  • Genius Loci: Arkham Sanitarium is a created form made by an ancient entity named Arkham, seeking to offer a place for the sick to be healed.
  • arkham sanitarium ephemeral rift

    Corvus has confirmed that it is not Arkham Asylum, but a separate facility.

  • Fun with Acronyms: Rather than Arkham Asylum, it's the Arkham Sanitarium for Mental Relaxation (A.S.M.R.).
  • Food as Bribe: The Candyman prefers to get past security this way, apparently Turkish delights are the easiest way past capitol guards.
  • arkham sanitarium ephemeral rift

    Face of a Thug: Deep One Dave, who has a face only a very aquatic mother could love but is easily one of the nicest characters in the mythos.Cult Defector: Deep One Dave is revealed to be this in The Innsmouth Barber Shop, having left the Order of Dagon because of its use of Human Sacrifices.One video features SCP-049 rather than Corvus and some patients have been referred to as misplaced D-Class. Crossover: Several mentioned with the SCP Foundation due to the interdimensional nature of the rift itself.Crosscast Role: Margaret note Though this hasn't stopped endless debate in the comments section as to whether or not it's really Paul under the mask and wig.Conspiracy Theorist: The member(s?) of the Tin Foil Hat Society.Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Almost every character is this to some extent."People call me the Candyman, but you, my friend, can call me the Candyman.".


    a toaster catching fire plus a Windows blue screen of death on a random PC. In Corvus Gets Mad his anger over a pair of missing gloves leads to worldwide disasters including landslides, tornadoes, hurricanes, building collapses, wildfires and."Do you have a tattoo on you left calf of a one-legged Victorian high-backed chair in which sits a man o' war jellyfish reading poetry to a group of maligned stalagmites which represents the ongoing struggle between parent and child as described in chapter 12 of her majesty's decree to the inhabitants of the inner sanctum of the eternally finite toweltarians?" "Did you eat a carrot today, but without peeling it?" From the video "Guessing random things about you" :.


  • The series as a whole operates on this, as most episodes take place at some point in the future, but between whatever event caused a breakdown in society & the rise of the NWO banning things, the world became stagnant & still resembles the modern day- though due to the numerous time portals and dimensional rifts, the exact state of each Earth seen can vary somewhat.
  • After the End: This video says that World War 3 will eventually leave Earth uninhabitable, though Corvus Clemmons will be one of the few survivors in the future, living on another planet.
  • Aerith and Bob: Invoked with Cthulhu, who prefers to be called "Kevin".
  • Please note however that several videos on the channel such as the board games, video games, eating, personal chats or random sound effects are not part of the story canon.Įphemeral Rift can be found on a YouTube channel and Facebook page.

    arkham sanitarium ephemeral rift

    Manley, and many more, Paul has created a deep and confusing narrative of multiple universes and dimensions, often leading to self-contradictions in the timeline. Using a wide variety of characters (all played by himself) such as Professor Clemmons and his brother, Corvus, and wife, Margaret, Deep One Dave, Charlie (Carl), Iggy M. Lovecraft, Paul's videos are often surreal, confusing, and sometimes even downright creepy. Having stated on several occasions that he is a fan of, and largely inspired by, horror writer H. Paul is a YouTuber and podcast host, specializing in ASMR videos and audio. Professor Clemmons performs an extended ASMR (Arkham Sanitarium Method of Relaxation) treatment session where you get to relax, and the sanitarium gets to feed.Ephemeral Rift is a YouTube channel and the nickname of its host (sometimes shortened to E.R.

    Arkham sanitarium ephemeral rift